dinsdag 5 mei 2020

♥144 A walk in the garden...

After all this staying at home business it's got to feel good to do a walk in the garden...
But until that day I'm enjoying my walks in Second Life ♥


Baby's Clothes: This little outfit is created by my very talented daughter.
Her store is called Nevieland and this outfit is called Skye outfit.
You can find this adorable outfit at her mainstore Nevieland

Garden Shelves: .:Tm:.C. GP28 The garden shelves flowers Decor Scene
Wooden shelves with ropes, mixed flower pots, pots of plant bulbs, tulips, mixed flowers, shoes, cloth, magazine, hat, watering can
100% Mesh
Land Impact: 13
Approximate sizes: meters 2.7 wide x 0.8 deep
Permission: Copy | Modify | No Transfer
You can unlink all the pieces and use them as you wish 

Exclusive at the tres chic event running from 17th april until 20th may 2020 Tres chic event
At the event you get a 10% discount!
After the event is over you can find it at the full price at their mainstore TM Creation

General info:

Head: Lelutka Evolution
Body: Legacy Pregnancy edition
Shape: my own creation
Hair: Sintiklia
Pose: Lovely Smiles

For more info about the general stuff feel free to message me as I only blog in detail about my sponsors!!!

♥♥♥Big hugs to my sponsors... Stay Safe!♥♥♥

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